Monday, October 01, 2007

Immutable God

Just yesterday, i had the privilege to share with the Sunday School kids abt our Immutable God.. Yup, Immutable God. Such a "chim" topic for the little ones aged 4-12.. Initially whilst preparing for this, i had thought that the word probably meant a God that couldn't be silenced (cannot be muted .. hence immutable??) =)

I then searched online via the google search and discovered that Immutable God refers to an Unchanging God! Then my brilliant mind figured that the word may have come from the word "cannot mutate"..hence, im-muta-ble. =) Clause: I hereby hold no responsibility whatsoever for any possibility of this definition being completely wrong.. =p

Anyways, in preparing for this short message, i learnt so much abt this Immutable God that i believe in. Our God is an unchanging God.

(i) His nature is unchanging. God doesn't cease to be divine. The Creator God is unchanging. His creation changes, but He doesn't. He doesn't stop being God - at any point in time.. From the dawn of time, He was.. To the end of time, He will still be.. God.

(ii) His character is unchanging. God is Omni-present (always present) ; Omni-potent(all-powerful); Omni-scient(all-knowing); always righteous, always holy, always just; always true; always loving; always faithful.

(iii) His promises and purposes are unchanging. God's promises in His word were true for His people in the past, for us in the present, and for our future. When God created, He foreknew the potential of sin. When he created man, He already saw Jesus as a baby, as a man. He saw the cross, the crucifixion, the redemption plan unfolding.

With that, we should hold on to God's unchanging word. We can trust God with our lives. He will not one day disappoint us by ceasing to be divine. Knowing that our God is unchanign, in a way, we too, should strive to not change according to the circumstances and situations around us. We should not change who we are for what the world dictates of us. We should be whom God has created us to be. And finally, God being an unchanging God, His standards are still perfect. But thank God, He has given us a way out - a perfect salvation plan, a perfect redemption through Jesus.