Title: Candles by the pit
"A bruised reed, He will not break. A smouldering flax, He will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice."Isa 42:3
Title: Cloud on a puddle
Even if a vague reflection is all i see, but it reminds me of You, it will suffice.
HOLD MY HEARTBy Sharon AMLord, hold my heart in Your hands
Till the darkest night is over
Let there be the promise of a brighter dawn
Lord, hold this heart of mine
Hold my heart firm within Your mighty hands
Lord, it hurts deep within
Hold my heart in your hands
Lord, please help me understand
Why things happen as they do
Surely You know and feel it too
In moments when i am weary
Carry me close to Thee
In moments when i fail Thee
Remind me that You still love me
Even when all hope seems to fade
Even when it's hard to believe
Even when it’s hard to trust in You
Lord, remind me You are faithful
Even when all doubts surface
Even through my darkest fears
Even when my eyes are out of tears
Lord, remind me of your grace
Lord, hold my heart in Your hands
Till the darkest night is over
Let there be the promise of a brighter dawn
Lord, hold this heart of mine
Hold my heart firm within Your mighty hands
* This "song" was first written for a close friend of ours at the loss of their first child. And just over the past week, i was reminded again that sometimes life's circumstances may be so harsh, like raging waves with no mercy, giving one no chance to catch even a breather.
This song/poem was written as a reflection of our frailty, our human-ness, our weakness in moments of loss, of confusion, of doubts, and seasons of un-answered prayers. It also reminds us that we believe in a
loving God, a
mighty God, a
faithful God. In His perfect time,
dawn will break.Sharon.