Since returning from my holiday in Australia, it has been a busy month of January. So so so much has happened, but i haven't had the time to blog about it. This post is going to blog the snippets of my January going-ons.. =)
(i) Ah Di's graduation - As per my last blog, it was an AMAZING time. Watching Ah Di's OCF and Uni friends drop by Uni just in time for a photo to celebrate this momentous occasion, having dad, mum, YY and me applaud Ah Di as he walked up the stage and receiving his scrolls, me going trigger happy all around Uni Melb ... it was amazing! It brings tears to my eyes thinking of God's faithfulness and providence. I know i've said/blogged this before.. but being there and knowing that God has literally carried us through the past 7 years! He's amazing, our God!
(ii) Family Holiday in Melbourne & Tasmania- We had a superb family holiday in Tasmania. The weather was lovely - cooling with a tad of sunshine. It was a very scenic holiday driving around Tasmania. It was mum and YY's first time there.. Since Ah Di & I had been there, we short listed the favourites to visit. I have never trekked so much in my life - and mum - she was amazing! She was always ahead of me. The beautiful beaches, picturesque mountains provided the perfect backdrop for a great time of rest, recreation and reflection.
It was also a great catching up with old friends too - ex-OCFers. It was encouraging and heartwarming to see friends who were still passionately serving Christ, through student ministry, cell groups and children ministry.
I brought YY, mum & Ah Di down my Uni days memory lane - walking the routes and paths that i had walked for 2 years during my studies in Monash Clayton. So many sweet memories just kept flooding my mind as i walked and talked and showed them my favourite spots, etc. The lake where we had our mini lantern festival/feed-the-duck sessions, the halls of residence room where i stayed, where Rowena and Bawani - my (3musketeer buddies) stayed, where we cooked together, the Normanby house we went for our chinese takeaways, the Menzies building where we had our classes, the library where I had accountability sessions with my cg leader Jaime, and subsequently with my juniors, my 2/18 house, the highway i had to cross each morning and night, the 1/4 OCF headquarters.. =) So many things had changed, part of me wished they didn't, but then, that's life, huh? Things move on.. New memories are made as we live each day purposefully and joyfully.
We also made a day trip to Great Ocean Road as a family. It was a very very sunny day, i had the opportunity to tan myself quite a bit. But the scenery is simply beautiful!
It was a joy to meet Sue Anne, Ah Di's girlfriend, in person for the first time too.. She's certainly a lovely and godly girl. We thank God for her, and pray that though both of them have to be apart for the time being, their love for God and each other will continue to grow.
PHOTO LINKS: Graduation, Tasmania Holidays, Great Ocean Rd, Docklands.
(iii) Wedding Anniversary - We flew back from Melb on 31st Dec. And recalled that YY and I have been married for 3 years! It's amazing just reflecting on how much we've changed (or not!) over the past 3 years. But i truly thank God for a loving husband and a soul-mate. As we continue to pray for God to bless us with a child, we truly thank God for the many things that He has already blessed us so graciously with.
(iv) Grandma's birthday - Grandma celebrated her 97th birthday on the 19th Jan. It was a big celebration with her many grandchildren and great grandchildren around her. Grandma has already said the sinner's prayer to accept Christ as her Lord and Saviour. But every now and then, she goes back to her old ways of chanting and meditation on her Taoist books. I know it is not easy to let go of her past, but our prayer is that she will make a bold step of faith to be baptised this year. We are certain God has blessed her with such longlife for a reason and purpose - for His glory and kingdom.
PHOTO LINK: Grandma's birthday