Thursday, December 13, 2007

Simply AMAZED!

Amazed! This word aptly describes the feeling that is bubbling within me right now. In a few hours, we will be flying over to Melbourne to celebrate Ah Di's graduation.

It's not because we're going to Australia for the 2nd time this year that i'm amazed. It's not because I'm blessed to work for a company that allows their new employees to take advance leave that i'm amazed. It's not because I'm gonna catch up with my old uni buddies. All those are great, and i'm really looking forward to them.

But I'm AMAZED because Ah Di's graduating.

I still vividly recall the time when i came back from Melbourne. Dad had just left. Ah Di was in his Form 5 facing his SPM. I had had a wonderful time in Melbourne. The experience was so wonderful, i felt bad if Ah Di did not get the same opportunity to study overseas. But how he was going to study overseas, both me & mum weren't so sure. We told him we'd work 2 jobs each. We'd give tuition. We'd do anything! As long as Ah Di could go to Melbourne for at least two years. We were so naive. On hindsight, we recently calculated, even if we saved every single penny, ate only rice and soya sauce, at max, we'd be able to support Ah Di for a year.

God is far more amazing! Ah Di got a scholarship for his studies, 1 year in KL and 5 years in Melbourne!

It brings tears to my eyes to think of God's faithfulness in His gracious providence for our entire family all these 7 years. Ah Di's graduation, his excellent performance academically and in ministry is truly a great testimony of God's abundant blessings and favour on him. And i'm amazed!

p/s: I just realised it's exactly 7 years ago that i graduated in Melbourne. It's amazing, isn't it? God is good.. =)