Sunday, May 03, 2009

Surreal yet real

I think there's something about birthdays and getting old that makes people get into that reflective mood. For me, it is surreal. It feels like just a short while ago that i was celebrating my 25th birthday.. and now, i'm hitting the big 3. Wow.. and ooh.. at the same time..

i frequently tell YY how i think i'm in mid-life crisis as the "date" approaches. I guess with the time that has passed, i wonder what have i done with the years and the time that has been given to me. Has it been one that God looks at and can say to me, "Well done, good and faithful servant."? That is my aim and hope.

i recently wrote a song entitled NO REGRETS. See Eugene has wonderfully put in the music for the song. The song is about life - so short, so brief, so temporal. Surely, God has saved us for a reason, redeemed us for a purpose, and rescued us for a mission and plan. And so, it implores us to look beyond the here and now, and to desire and yearn for something greater, something higher and something deeper - to live this life fully, with no regrets.