Sunday, May 03, 2009

2.0years of blogosphere

Today marks the 2nd year of this blog. I know, i know, so very many of you have been asking me if this blog has died, or is merely sleeping. My thousand apologies .. I've been so busy, i hadn't had the chance to read any blogs, more so to write in mine. haha..

It's amazing to think that so much has changed in the past 2 years! Change at work.. change in ministry.. friends who've come into our lives.. and those who have moved away.. With all these, i am frequently reminded of just how blessed my life has been with all these experiences.

Sporting a new look, and a fresh new ambition, i hope to resume sharing my life and my experiences via blogging again after this. =)

May this blog continue to be a blessing to all who drop by for a read. =))

God bless.