I think i'm probably one of the least political-savvy people on earth, hence that would most likely make me the last person you'd expect to ever talk politics, much less blog about it. =)
But the recent years of being married to a political savvy husband who has political savvy buddies have probably rubbed off on me slowly but steadily. I recently attended a political "ceramah" by DAP held at my housing estate. I was initially very sceptical about their agenda. I wanted to be convinced about their policies and plans. So when Hannah Yeoh the upcoming DAP candidate spoke, she got my ears. Learning that she was a Christian, who was passionate about making a difference, in a bid to fight for the rights of the marginalised, to be a voice for the people and to speak up for what was right - she certainly got many people's vote, mine included.
I believe that God has raised a new generation who is close to His heart, who desire to make a change for what is right, and who dare to stand up, speak forth and be counted. I pray that they will never bend to temptations and pressures to comply to the norms but to be the Daniels, Josephs and Esthers of this generation, born for such a time as this, called to make a difference.