But it wasn't the same with Neslo. There was something different about her. She caught my attention one day when i was washing some dishes in the kitchen, and i looked out, there was this black, brown and white kitten sitting on my washing machine and peering in as the clothes were being washed. She had a look of amusement and awe as the machine was going through the rinsing and spinning stage. =) It was simply hilarious just looking at her.
What's with the name, you ask? Well, some time last year there was a very cute black kitten who loved sitting and playing by himself in our backyard. Since he was all-black, i decided to call him Kopi-O. So, with this little one, i decided to name her Neslo. She might be related to Kopi-O, you see. =)
Then a few days later, whilst i was hanging my clothes late at night, she came and started playing with me and later with YY. She had big doll eyes, and loved to be stroked and cuddled. But i think it must be her big round eyes that won our hearts.
Photo: Neslo on the washing machine greeting me when i open the kitchen door.
These days, as soon as she hears the sound of my housekeys, she'll wait at the washing machine or in front of my kitchen door and start purring and "meow"ing. I think she's still a little kitten, from her "manja"ness. So far, i like having her around.. especially when she displays her trophies of appreciation. I've gotten two cockroaches in front of my kitchen door so far, which is fantastic. =)
Photo: One of Neslo's trophies of appreciation
Photo: Neslo's treat - milk!