I have prayed a particular prayer earnestly for a long time.. and as i look back, I have come to realise that it has been more than thirty months now that i have prayed this prayer.. Only thirty months you say? Yeah, only thirty months.. but to me, it has been a very torturous thirty months to endure.. As the months goes by, the prayer has grown in intensity. Each month i fail the "test", i have to pick myself up and try all over again. I have wondered and i have asked the Lord, "Why the silence.. and why the long torturing wait?" There have been moments of doubt, and great disappointment. There has been days when i have screamed and questioned Him. Silence was all i got in return, but as i discover more about my Lord, i am confounded by the fact that even if He doesn't answer my prayer, He is still God. A good God nonetheless. A great God, who is a loving Creator, a mighty Saviour, a gentle Healer and a gracious Provider.
I do not know for how long more will i have to wait... and for how many times more i will fail.. But i pray that someday on hindsight, i can look to my Creator and Saviour and thank Him for being with me through it all, and for His greater plan that a mortal like me couldn't understand. And i pray for now, that He will give me the faith to keep believing and the strength to keep holding on the promises He has given in His word.
Photo: YY & I lit a candle in the grand Christ Church Cathedral in Oxford University, lifting up our prayer request to the Lord..
Psalm 36:5 Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.